
The Cost for Digital Signage

Stephanie Schwenn Sebring Photo
Contributing Writer
Fab Prose & Professional Writing

2 minutes

How are credit unions using digital signs? Anywhere and everywhere! In their branches, in conjunction with community partners, on external signs and other stand-alone locations. But digital signage does not have to cost a lot of money.

Kiosk & Display Company, Atlanta, offers complete digital signage programs for $550-$3,000 per branch, depending on screen size, number of locations, content zones, local wiring requirements and other factors. Additionally, iPads and tablets are gaining meaningful purpose as online banking demonstration screens, lobby queue management systems and even a place to keep the kids busy while mom or dad sign the mortgage paperwork. So they can add to the overall cost of the program but also increase the scope of screens in branches.

“The exponential growth in digital signage installations is a direct result of the lower cost of both displays and the technology that powers them,” explains Doug Braun, senior vice president of CUES Supplier member inLighten , Clarence, N.Y. “Today, flat screen TVs are a fraction of the cost they were as little as five years ago, and they’ve gotten lighter and more reliable as well. Corresponding advances in the digital media players used to deliver content to screens has also made it possible to present higher-quality content and integrate an ever-increasing variety of video, graphics, web content and social media sources that can be combined into dynamic presentations that can be revised and updated more easily than ever. Where once cable TV was seen as a less costly alternative to a customizable digital signage solution, today the most robust digital signage solutions available oftentimes cost less than the monthly price for basic cable.”

Stephanie Schwenn Sebring established and managed the marketing departments for three credit unions and served in mentorship roles before launching her business. As owner of Fab Prose & Professional Writing, she assists credit unions, industry suppliers and any company wanting great content and a clear brand voice. Follow her on Twitter: @fabprose.

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