
E-Voting System Features


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What to look for if you're shopping

This is bonus coverage from “E-Voting is Easy” from the August issue of CU Management magazine.

What functionality do you want and need in your electronic voting system for credit union board elections? If you’re starting to shop, consider these features offered CUES eVote: Elect and Educate as a starting point of comparison:

  • voting by phone, online or paper ballot;
  • reports on voter behavior and turnout trends;
  • ability to coordinate targeted “get-out-the-vote” campaigns;
  • sign-on with online banking;
  • candidate rotation on the ballot, ensuring positioning on the page doesn’t influence overall results;
  • voting confirmation certificates, which allow voters to view and print a certificate that shows who they voted for, the time, date and a verification number (It's meant to provide extra piece of mind that votes have been properly submitted.);
  • solid security; and
  • educational opportunities for new and continuing board members.

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